A tasty, classic Eggplant Lasagna recipe made with roasted eggplant slices and without noodles. Comforting, cheesy, and low carb. You won't miss the...
Frijoles Paisas o Antioqueños is a common dish from the Antioquia region.These Frijoles Colombianos are served in most casual Colombian restaurants around...
This Easy Curry Fried Rice uses day-old rice to get a crispy, nutty texture, and a toasty flavor. Toss it with veggies and a scrambled egg for fried rice...
A delicious, one-pan pork tenderloin dinner, with an easy fig jam and balsamic vinegar pan sauce. Roast some mini potatoes right alongside the pork, if...
This grilled trout recipe can actually be cooked on the grill or in the oven. It is one of the nicest rainbow trout recipes you will find, both easy and...
This is a basic roast quail recipe that can serve as a stepping stone for other, fancier recipes. Once you know how to properly roast a quail, you can...
Nut roast is a favourite for a reason. Try this vegan nut roast, which is perfect served hot for Christmas dinner, or cold for your festive buffet table....
For those interactive group-gathering festive meals that first come to mind - fondue, say, or raclette - you either have to maintain a giant heated stone...
A rich and intensely flavoured roasted red pepper soup made with juicy and charred red peppers, garlic, sun dried tomatoes for an extra flavour kick and...
Chicken Salad is a classic American dish everyone loves. This recipe includes lean chicken breasts, fresh crisp celery, sweet grapes, crunchy almonds,...
This creamy lemon butter chicken is an easy and tasty dish that is cooked on the stovetop in one pan. Chicken thighs are cooked in a flavorful lemon and...
This recipe is an adaptation of my old bolognese sauce recipe, but I made it healthier with less processed ingredients (i.e. fake meat substitutes), a...
Kofta or "Kofte" is a popular meatball type of dish in Turkey and the middle east. We have many kofta recipes and kebabs in Turkish cuisine. I will make...
This Pumpkin Sausage Pasta is the perfect comforting fall meal! A delicious and creamy sauce with sausage and pumpkin. Not only is this dish super easy...
A light coating of seasoned flour gives the crabs' tender shells a little extra snap; boost the flavor with Old Bay, cayenne, or any other seasoning, if...
Easy Grilled Chicken Shish Kabobs are a great one dish meal off the grill or can be broiled. Leaving a bit of space between the ingredients to ensure thorough...
Japanese-style Mapo Tofu (Mabo Dofu) is incredibly flavorful but less spicy than the Sichuan version. It's a delicious meal ready in 30 minutes that...
Thanksgiving Leftover Casserole combines all the flavors of the big meal in a simple, easy to make, never dried out dish. This is the best way to use up...
My Italian Stuffed Peppers feature ground meat, rice and onions with marinara, Pecorino Romano, mozzarella and basil. They're incredible! Note, you'll...
A copycat version of my favorite take-out dish, this Kung Pao Chicken recipe includes stir-fried chicken, peanuts, and green onion in a delicious sweet...
The BEST EVER Instant Pot Shredded Chicken Tacos! Easy, juicy pressure cooker Mexican chicken that's healthy and full of flavor. Use it for tacos, burritos,...
A perfect weeknight dinner! This Italian Meatball Soup recipe is full of tender, plump tortellini, mini meatballs and flavorful Parmesan cheese in a zesty...